State Recognition for Ohio

Recognized?  Yes – Licensure

Recognition Status: On Tuesday, July 4, 2023, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed into law HB33, which included language that creates a music therapy license under the State’s Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board. Ohio music therapists will need to be in good standing with CBMT and maintain both their CBMT recertification and Ohio music therapy license renewal processes. Access the application and instructions from their website. Subscribe to emails from CSWMFT here.

Active Task Force? Yes

Year Started: 2006

Task Force Status: After more than 15 years of advocacy and legislative movement in 5 of the last 6 Ohio General Assemblies, Governor Mike DeWine signed Music Therapy Licensure into law on July 4, 2023 as part of the state’s biennial budget bill (HB 33). Music therapy will be overseen by the Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board (CSWMFT) of the State of Ohio. Over the last year, task force co-chairs have been working diligently to prepare for the implementation of the music therapy license in Ohio. The task force co-chairs have worked closely with the CSWMFT board throughout this process.

Task Force Contact Name: Alicia Bousner Hrubey and Madeleine Landry (Co-Chairs)

Task Force Contact Email:

Task Force Members: Seneca Block, Alicia Bousner Hrubey, Ed Gallagher, MeKalia Holly, Madeleine Landry, Laura Whitlow-Schell

Task Force Facebook: Ohio Music Therapy Task Force

State Association:

State Association Facebook: Association of Ohio Music Therapists

Regional Association: Great Lakes Region (

State Legislative Activity:  

Below you will find a link to an online report with information about state-level bills that include the keyword “music therapy.” There may or may not be a bill for your state. Some bills may have a direct impact on the profession (e.g. music therapy licensure legislation) while others may not (e.g. music therapy is included in a pre-existing list of healthcare providers). 

Click here to read the report

Information is provided by Fiscal Note, a subscription service that allows CBMT to follow state and federal legislative and regulatory developments. This resource is provided for informational purposes to help you stay informed on legislative and policy issues impacting music therapy practice. Please contact your task force chair with questions and before taking any action.