CBMT is a member of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE). Our board certification (MT-BC) program has been fully accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) since 1986, when NCCA was known as National Commission for Health Certifying Agencies. As the only certifying board for music therapy, we are committed to rigorous competency testing. NCCA accreditation ensures our unconditional compliance with stringent testing and measurement standards.
CBMT has credentialed thousands of professionals as board-certified music therapists (MT-BC). Certificants participate in an independently administered national certification program that undergoes a rigorous NCCA accreditation review every five years.
The NCCA accreditation standards address the areas of:
- A certification organization’s structure
- Examination development and administration
- Test validity and reliability
- Recertification program
- Public protection and information
- Responsibilities to candidates, certificants, employers and the public
At CBMT, we value our involvement with ICE and NCCA for many reasons, most notably:
- NCCA accreditation demonstrates to certificants, employers, government agencies, payers, courts and professional organizations that an impartial, objective Commission has reviewed our certification program. Adherence to NCCA standards assures that our programs reflect the most current principles in the field of credentialing. Accreditation also shows licensure boards that CBMT programs meet or exceed the same standards as licensing boards for test development and administration.
- ICE membership grants us access to experts in the credentialing field, along with the most up-to-date information and state-of-the-art techniques available. The CBMT Board of Directors and staff use this network of experts for informal and formal consultation on a variety of issues.