State Recognition for Colorado
Recognized? No
Recognition Status:
Active Task Force? Yes
Year Started: 2007
Task Force Status: After Sunrise Review application (01/10) denied due to small numbers, TF met with officials from Dept. of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) and utilized their recommendations. Legislation for a music therapy registry through DORA (HB1137) was introduced in 2012. TF chose not to move forward after receiving pressure from DORA to be placed under the Mental Health Practice Act and the bill died in committee. n Fall 2013, TF submitted a second Sunrise Review application, requesting a lower level of regulation (title protection) for music therapists. In Spring 2015, a formal Tribute was filed in the House recognizing music therapy as a valuable therapeutic profession in Colorado. TF has organized annual Hill Days at the state Capitol for the past 7 consecutive years. In August 2015, through the support of the Colorado Association for Music Therapy and the national music therapy organizations, TF hired a legislative consultant. In March 2016, TF members and MT advocates testified before the Senate Committee in support of a music therapy title protection bill. This bill died in committee.
Task Force Contact Name: Amanda Brigham
Task Force Contact Email:
Task Force Members: Becky Bressan, Amanda Brigham, Renee Deluca, Andrew Knight, Cecily Meade, Melissa Munder, Alexander Powers, Leah Quiller, Rebekah Stewart, Kathryn Trujillo, Amy Wilson, Sara Wise
Task Force Facebook: Colorado Music Therapy Task Force
State Association:
State Association Facebook:
Regional Association:
State Legislative Activity:
Below you will find a link to an online report with information about state-level bills that include the keyword “music therapy.” There may or may not be a bill for your state. Some bills may have a direct impact on the profession (e.g. music therapy licensure legislation) while others may not (e.g. music therapy is included in a pre-existing list of healthcare providers).
Information is provided by Fiscal Note, a subscription service that allows CBMT to follow state and federal legislative and regulatory developments. This resource is provided for informational purposes to help you stay informed on legislative and policy issues impacting music therapy practice. Please contact your task force chair with questions and before taking any action.